Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 06.djvu/258

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

enlarge our operations, and we appeal to our friends everywhere to help us as they are able.

If you cannot imitate the noble liberality of Mr. Corcoran, who has given us $500 a year for the past three years, you can at least help to circulate our publications and extend our list of subscribers.


We are satisfied that if we could secure reliable and efficient canvassers in every State we could soon swell our membership by thousands. General George D. Johnston, of Alabama, has, in a canvass of four months in Tennessee and Kentucky, demonstrated what can be done in this direction, and Colonel Z. Davis, of South Carolina, has done efficient work in his State.


we would express our increasing sense of the importance of the work committed to our charge, and renew our pledge to use our best endeavors to meet the obligations and discharge the duties of our trust.

By order of the Executive Committee.

Dabney H. Maury, Chairman.

J. William Jones, Secretary.

The report was unanimously adopted.

General Maury announced the death of Colonel D. W. Floweree, of Vicksburg, a life-member of the Society, and paid an appropriate tribute to his memory—the Society voting to spread appropriate resolutions on the record.

Earnest remarks in reference to the interests of the Society were made by Generals D. H. Maury, W. B. Taliaferro, J. A. Early and Marcus J. Wright, Colonel C. S. Venable, General J. G. Field and others.

There was a general expression of gratification at the prosperous and hopeful condition of the Society.