Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/535

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534 Southern Historical Society Papers.


1 4th April, 1864.

Respectfully forwarded for the information of the War Depart- ment.

R. E. LEE, General.

Respectfully submitted to the Secretary of War.

By order,

SAMUEL W. MELTON, Major and Acting Adjutant- General. Org. Office, 21 April, 1864.

Noted. File. J. A. S.

23 April, 1864.


ASHLAND, April ist, 1864. Major H. B. McCLELLAN :

MAJOR, I have the honor to acknowledge the reception of your communication on yesterday, dated March igth.

I received notice through one of the Home Guards, who had been notified by one of Lieutenant's Pollard's company, of the advance of the enemy. I immediately sent orders to my lieutenants to assemble my company at King & Queen Courthouse with orders to come up to Dunkirk. I started for Dunkirk immediately; when within half a mile of the place, learned that the Yankees had swam the river at Aylett's, four miles below, when I returned and went to the Courthouse, having sent a dispatch to Captain Bagby, of the Home Guards, to keep me advised of the movements of the enemy. On my arrival at the Courthouse found about seventy men present from different commands. I went into ambush just below the Courthouse, having received information of the advance. Received information through two members of my company that the" enemy had gone into camp, when I moved up the road.