Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/536

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The Kilpatrick-Dahlgren Raid Against Richmond. 535

On my arrival at Mantipike hill, found some sixty or seventy men in ambush. It was about nine o'clock at night. Captain McGruder, of the Forty-Second Virginia battalion, was present and Captain Bagby, Home Guard. I immediately took command of the entire force. I determined, after finding out my strength, to charge the camp. Sent up to Stevensville after Lieutenant Pollard (some two or three miles above), but before his arrival, received information that the Yankees were again advancing. The whole force was put in ambush. It was about twelve o'clock when the action took place. The enemy then went into Mantipike field, which has a canal run- ning through it that cannot be crossed except at one place, and the river on one side. Knowing that it was impossible for them to make their escape (except by place in canal above spoken of ), I took the command below it, barricaded the road and waited until day, when I sent in a flag of truce by Lieutenant Nunn, demanding uncondi- tional surrender. Before his return, I saw from the confused con- dition they were in that they had determined not to fight. When I moved in, I found no commissioned officers present. They were after- wards captured by Captain Bagby. I cannot say by whom the place of ambush was chosen.

I have the honor to be

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

EDWARD C. Fox, Captain Company E, Fifth Virginia Cavalry.


April 4, 1864.

Respectfully forwarded. This additional report was called for by me because Captain Fox's former report seemed to throw some doubt as to whom the credit of the ambuscade was due.

His concluding remarks, however, I think show that this credit was due as at first supposed, to Lieutenant Pollard, who, according t his report, chose the ground, stationed the men, and then King & Queen Courthouse for Captain Fox.

J. E. B. STUART, Major- General.