Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 20.djvu/58

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52 Southern Historical Society Papers.

ABINGDON, VA. , June ijth, 1892.

Hon. JOHN S. MOSBY, San Francisco, Cat.:

MY DEAR SIR There is to be a reunion of the survivors of Company D, First Regiment Virginia Cavalry, at this place on the 4th of July next, and I have been directed to notify you of the fact, and extend you a cordial and pressing invitation to be present.

You begun your service in the Confederate army as a member of that company and remained with it and the regiment to which it belonged, if I recollect aright, for more than a year, and whilst after your service with us was terminated, you attained great renown; yet I believe that the discipline and service in the First regiment were fit schooling and preparation for the broader field in which you acted, and for your achievements which have become a part of the history of that great war. And I also believe that you cannot fail to feel an interest in the company in which your name was enrolled at the beginning of the war, and I assure you that the survivors of our old company will be gratified to have you come, and as one of them, answer to the first roll call since the day of Appomattox.

Respectfully and truly yours,


A detail of eight men was then sent to escort the old battle flag of the regiment from its repository to the assembled company, which was done, it being carried by color Sergeant David Lowry, who bore it before the surrender and saved it on that day, and cheers rent the air as the old and tattered battle flag was brought into ranks, the cross of St. George, stained and torn, but yet the flag under which these veterans had so often fought for the Confederacy, which they loved and battled to maintain.

The large concourse assembled from town and county yelled and cheered at frequent intervals during the proceedings, ladies waived their handkerchiefs, and to many eyes came the unbidden tear, and down the furrowed cheeks of many of the older men present and in line, trickeled the drop which comes of sorrow and of sadness.