Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 20.djvu/59

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Reunion Co. D., First Va. Cavalry, C. S. A. 53

After the proceedings in front of the court-house, preceded by a band, the veterans of Company D marched to the west end of Main street, and returning wheeled into Slaughter street, and thence down the connecting road, to the farm of Hon. C. F. Trigg, one and a half miles distant, where neath the shade of magnificent oaks sur- rounding his bold spring, they went into bivouac, and there remained until late in the afternoon.

A splendid collation had been prepared by the families of those of the old company who reside in the town, and the veterans ate as if they had regained the appetites which came from marching and fighting.

With song, story, anecdote and jest, and with reminiscences of the past, the time passed rapidly away, during which a photographer came upon the ground, and we hope obtained a good photograph of the assembled soldiers.

Company I of the Second Regiment Virginia Volunteers (the Washington Rifles) our splendid company of volunteers, commanded by Captain James C. Watson, marched to the grounds during the the afternoon, went through the evolutions of the drill and the manual of arms, and fired a salute of honor to the veterans. Cheer after cheer rent the air as the old soldiers gave the rebel yell in recognition of the cheers of their young friends.

Altogether it was a most enjoyable occasion, and we but voice the sentiments of the community when we say that it was well to have the reunion and that it was well and joyously carried out. The old soldiers have a right to be proud of their company, and of the record it made in the war, and its survivors, while following the pursuits of peace, have shown that the good soldier makes a good citizen; and while they looked with enthusiasm upon their old battle flag, we doubt not that in true and real loyalty to the government they may be relied upon as strongly as any who wore the blue, and fought upon the other side, and should this nation be engaged in another war, it would have no truer citizens than those who were true to their native States, and fought to uphold the Confederacy established by those States.

We have been furnished the following letter from Captain L. C. Wilson, of the United States Army, who with seven of his men, was captured by Captain Litchfield with twenty-two of his men on the 5th day of August, 1862.