Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 25.djvu/49

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An Alabama Heroine.



Who Piloted General Forrest across Black Creek, in his Famous Pursuit
and Capture of Col. A. D. Streight.

With an Account of the Surrender by Gen. D. H. Maury.

The eloquent address of General Dabney H. Maury "The Wizard of the West" lingers a delight in the minds of those who fortunately heard it.

His vivid portrayal of the characteristics and stirring recital of the remarkable achievements of Lieutenant-General Nathan Bedford Forrest, has re-incited deep interest in the phenomenal leader. Any illustration of his brilliant career, even unpretentious, may be deemed acceptable to the public.

The narrative of a follower of the great soldier, which is presented, was sent the Editor by Mr. W. L. Fleming, a librarian of the A. & M. College, Auburn, Ala.

In the early part of April, 1863, the commander of the Federal forces in Tennessee determined to send a strong raiding party around the Confederate forces under Gen. Bragg for the purpose of destroying the railroads and cutting off supplies and reinforcements, and also to destroy the extensive Confederate works then at Rome, Ga.

For this daring purpose Col. Abel D. Streight, of Indiana, was selected, and he was given command of 2,000 picked Western men, well mounted and armed with the best arms in the Federal service. To this party was also attached a section of the 6th Ohio Light Battery. Streight's party was accompanied by a strong force of infantry and artillery as far as the Tennessee valley to create a diversion while-he should pass the Confederates under Gen. N. B. Forrest.

The combined commands of the Federals landed and crossed the Tennessee river below Tuscumbia, in the extreme northwestern part of the State of Alabama. They made their way up the valley, driving back the small cavalry force of the Confederates which was in their front; the Confederates then being scattered over the whole north line of Alabama. When Town creek was reached Forrest