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Constitució Espanyola

2. The right to initiate the process towards self government lies with all the Provincial Councils concerned or with the corresponding inter-island body and with two thirds of the municipalities whose population represents at least the majority of the electorate of each province or island. These requirements must be met within six months from the initial agreement reached to this aim by any of the local Corporations concerned.
3. If this initiative is not successful, it may be repeated only after five years have elapsed.

Section 144

The Cortes Generales may, in the national interest, and by an organic act:
a) Authorize the setting up of a Self governing Community, where its territory does not exceed that of a province and does not possess the characteristics outlined in section 143, paragraph 1.
b) Authorize or grant, as the case may be, a Statute of Autonomy to territories which are not integrated into the provincial organization.
c) Take over the initiative of the local Corporations referred to in section 143, paragraph 2.

Section 145

1. Under no circumstances shall a federation of Self-governing Communities be allowed.
2. Statutes of Autonomy may provide for the circumstances, requirements and terms under which Self-governing Communities may reach agreements among themselves for the management and rendering of services in matters pertaining to them, as well as for the nature and effects of the corresponding notification to be sent to the Cortes Generales. In all other cases, cooperation agreements among Self-governing Communities shall require authorization by the Cortes Generales.

Section 146

The draft Statute of Autonomy shall be drawn up by an assembly consisting of members of the Provincial Council or inter-island body of the provinces concerned, and the respective Members of Congress and Senators elected in them, and shall be sent to the Cortes Generales for its drafting as an Act.

Section 147

1. Within the terms of the present Constitution, Statutes of Autonomy shall be the basic institutional rule of each Self-governing Community and the State shall recognize and protect them as an integral part of its legal system.
2. The Statutes of Autonomy must contain:
a) The name of the Community which best corresponds to its historic identity.
b) Its territorial boundaries.
c) The name, organization and seat of its own autonomous institutions.
d) The powers assumed within the framework laid down by the Constitution and the basic rules for the transfer of the corresponding services.
3. Amendment of Statutes of Autonomy shall conform to the procedure established therein and shall in any case require approval of the Cortes Generales through an organic act.

Section 148

1. The Self governing Communities may assume competences over the following matters:
1.ª Organization of their institutions of self government.

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