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Constitució Espanyola

2.ª Changes in municipal boundaries within their territory and, in general, functions appertaining to the State Administration regarding local Corporations, whose transfer may be authorized by legislation on local governement.
3.ª Town and country planning and housing.
4.ª Public works of interest to the Self governing Community, within its own territory.
5.ª Railways and roads whose routes lie exclusively within the territory of the Self-governing Community and transport by the above means or by cable fulfilling the same conditions.
6.ª Ports of haven, recreational ports and airports and, in general, those which are not engaged in commercial activities.
7.ª Agriculture and livestock raising, in accordance with general economic planning.
8.ª Woodlands and forestry.
9.ª Management of environmental protection.
10.ª Planning, construction and exploitation of hydraulic projects, canals and irrigation of interest to the Self-governing Community; mineral and thermal waters.
11.ª Inland water fishing, shellfish industry and fishfarming, hunting and river fishing.
12.ª Local fairs.
13.ª Promotion of economic development of the Self governing Community within the objectives set by national economic policy.
14.ª Handicrafts.
15.ª Museums, libraries and music conservatories of interest to the Self-governing Community.
16.ª The Self governing Community's monuments of interest.
17.ª The promotion of culture and research and, where applicable, the teaching of the Self-governing Community's language.
18.ª The promotion and planning of tourism within its territorial area.
19.ª The promotion of sports and the proper use of leisure.
20.ª Social assistance.
21.ª Health and hygiene.
22.ª The supervision and protection of its buildings and installations. Coordination and other powers relating to local police forces under the terms to be laid down by an organic act.
2. After five years, the Self-governing Communities may, by amendment of their Statutes of Autonomy, progressively enlarge their powers within the framework laid down in section 149.

Section 149

1. The State shall have exclusive competence over the following matters:
1.ª Regulation of basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of their rights and in the fulfilment of their constitutional duties.
2.ª Nationality, immigration, emigration, status of aliens, and right of asylum.
3.ª International relations.
4.ª Defence and the Armed Forces.
5.ª Administration of Justice.
6.ª Commercial, criminal and penitentiary legislation; procedural legislation, without prejudice to the necessary specialities in these fields arising from the peculiar features of the substantive law of the Self-governing Communities.
7.ª Labour legislation, without prejudice to its execution by bodies of the Self-governing Communities.
8.ª Civil legislation, without prejudice to the preservation, modification and development by the Self-governing Communities of their civil law, foral or special, whenever these exist, and traditional charts. In any event rules for the application and effectiveness of legal provisions, civil relations arising from the forms of marriage, keeping of records and drawing up to public instruments, bases of contractual liability, rules for resolving conflicts of law and determination of the sources of law in conformity, in this last case, with the rules of traditional charts or with those of foral or special laws.
9.ª Legislation on copyright and industrial property.
10.ª Customs and tariff regulations; foreign trade.
11.ª Monetary system: foreign currency, exchange and convertibility; bases for the regulations concerning credit, banking and insurance.

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