Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 1.djvu/26

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f40 INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAaANDA INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAGANDA . rl Question. At any time prior or during the talk did you call General Butler and talk with him9 Answer. Yes; I did, Qnestion. On that third day? lt ns\\.cr. Yes, sir. Question. Did you not call up General Butler and ask llil11 Frelicli represented him? ilnslvcr. I called General Butler and I said to General Bu "A nun lins called me u known as Billy Fm hil~i?" A11d h said, Cc $S; he is a very -yowl I lic is in Ncw York, aid I wonlcl like for you to sec " Fine. Send him up." (J~mtion.Was he In your ofice at that time? Answer. No, sir; he was not. He had called Question. I thought you said lie came in out Answer. This man FIU?ILCI~ has called me up he wanted to sec me and I said, Mr. Prench hc said, " I: uin a. friend of General ~utler's?~ be vary glad to see you, if you will coine do time it took liiln to colne, I believe that was Qaeution. Tlien in the meanwhile you call Ansnrer. In the meanwliile I called up Ge Question. Where did 011 call froin? d Answcr. l4'roni lny o ce. Question. To where? Answer. Newtown Square. Question. Pennsylvania? Answer. Yes. Question. What was the question that you were go Prench about that rompted you to call Butler down to P witliout any know edge us to what French was comil about? Answer. Nothing; merely to find out what General Butler ar this IIIR~to call to see me about. Question. Ordinarily, you would have waitod U and hlkcd to Iiim to find out what was the Answer. Not ~~ccessarily. Qncstion. On the gold standard? Question. Is it your general practice when a man calls , Answer. Bfr. (,?larkhas put up money two different times; sent it pl~oneautl wys that he is coiuilig to sce you as a friend o to tile it had not gone through after that time-what else, to cull up that other person? date is that, Mr. McCormack? Answer. Yes; if a lnan calls me U ,a stranger that I do not B 2nd says that he represents mmeh y else, I will call up fiat ])elmsonto find out who he is. Qoestion. JVitllout any knowledge as to what 110 was gaing to to you about? Answer. Exactly. Question. So you called up General Butler? A1)swau.Exnctlq; and to verify, too, that he said of General D~~tlerS. Q~~cuiioe.'i'lle~~e1s no question thnt you called up General D Answer. No question. cords of the lianu- Qllcstion. Yesterday you said you did not get a call fwm fro111Butlcr's llonse, bllt fmin the Palmel*Hotel. . Q~~cst.ion.%fr.Clarlc gave you money; at lenst you received money froin C1:lrlc for what l)llrpOSC?