Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 1.djvu/27

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- INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTIIER PROPAaANDA Anslyer. 111 connection with the bond business. 1 had beon around the cou1ltl.y to various places. At that time the market was reatly depressed- I Question. an1 not going into all of that. You \\.illlbd to 1Cnow why I reccivad tile llloney I rill tclling you. Qllestioll- Was that deposited in your prsonal accollnt? Answer. No, sir. Question. What account? hswer. B'fy own special account. 4 Question. What special account? Allswer. meaccount of the G. C. &facGuire, special. Question. Where was tllato Answer. Tile Manufactul-ers Trust Co. Qu~tion.1s that one of the accounts you here today you P Answer. Yes, sir. Qlwtion- Now, is that 0lItride of thnt 28 as you think-pu Ilot definite about that, SO we mill understa~l~that is so- &. Clark give You any other mone S, were there any Other fi transactions between YOU and ~r. &ark personally? Clark had iven 111e money, I Link, on 8 f illior to that Or il tor that. I do not lKnowwhich it before or after. Questioll. TVllat was the purpose; wllat was it for? A1ls~ekGene1 ' 11.1 ex ells@ in going around the countrj. in Imki; oVer variolls muniCilltiities in connection with the purchase of th& bonds. Question. How much did he give you P Answer- I will have to look it up. Question. That is outside of this 32,0008 Anslver. It is a separate item altogetller it is -cerned dai it has notllin to do with thin- Question. is outside of the t~ci~ty-fi~~ ]Mjbot (talk)&~d and t~loua,,di Answer. Yes. Qllestion. He gave you other moneys? Answer. Yes. Question. JVhere ~vclsthat <lepositetl? Answer. 111 a special account. Gesti0ll.can YOU give this ~0111mitteea statement of the ,nanep Yo'l receivetl in any way for any I)lllpose frolll Ifr,clark? Answer. Yes; I belieIle I can. Q'lestion. Tllis lnoney in the specipl account r,.ns for bond tmrr actio~is? ~lnswer.Yes. (duestion.And the lnoney was to be rqsaid baclr to &fr. clark? ' Ans'ver. T11:lt is right; yes. 11s R 111attol-of filet,I would lilte to s"J tllere the slid tl~atmolley was paid to &fr. *]hrl Christlllas tllrn Mr. Obristn~ns @ve me nnotller dlwk m ~vaicllI rccluposited in the Mjbot (talk)aufaeturers TMjbot (talk), co,in ,. spwinl nccolmt.. Qllestion. W110 is Mr. Christnlas9 Ans'ycr. who is air. cllristnlas? Mr Cl~ris~lllssis legal rel)rescntlitire.