Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 1.djvu/28

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44 INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAGANDA I~V-ESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHEB pBoPAGANDA A Question 1 see. YOUcan leave them with the co-ittee, and will examine them. Answer. Yes. I would like to leave them for you, so tlla see transactions. I llave the checks where 1 paid the nlon back to Mr. Christmas. (hstioll. What of that $25,000; did yell directly rctunl to l~,, Clnrk ? Answer. 1 would sa about $21,000. I &tlestioll. All the 0t er amounts that you received for bond trw actions all sho~vin your book, 1assulne? llllswc~What 0tllCr alnounts did 1receive for bond transnc from 3Ir. Clarlt? Question. He is the only one that you eyes had any transnctioDl with, or re )resented, as you say? Alls~~r- kojv I would have to look it up. It is all in tile recol& Question. WJ.mtever they were, were deposited where? Del)osited lnainly wit11 the Manufacturers Trust special account. Qeestion. Mainly? JVllore else? Mainly doesn't mean any Answer. It was with the h5anofacturers Trust CO,, a Slleci cOnnLtllat lllolley that was given to me by >$r. Clark for business. Q1esti0n. Can You give US any idea how much that appporimata? ~llucllit is, these various amounts tllat you received for t1,d purpose '1 Answer. well, Mr. iWcCormick, I thinlc altorretller it would a to, incl11cling ex enses and everything, about $32,000, Question. ifh he give YOU this extra money over $25,0001 AnsJver. kit va1.iolls times, that is, he has given me $1,0 Qllestion- Did he give it to you in a check, or in cash? Answer. A check. Question. All the tinlet Aaswer.It scelns to me that at one time he gave me sonle casll. .. @estion. How much ? Answer. I cannot say. Question. About how lnucll Answer. I thinlc around $1,000. ~tlcsti0~.Wns it in s $1,000 bill? ~lls~~r~r- I do ]lot know. It was not in a $1,000 bill; no, Question- Now, yesterday you said you had deposits in thm counts, in three banlts. Answer. Yes. Qoestiol'. JV~Sthis one of those thvee deposits tllat you merit ~esterclay,or was this anotller deposit? i'l'swer. y011 are asking lne about my personal accollnt, and p -, ierdny I said I had three deposits, Question. I asked yell also about other deposits, as I rell,c ally 0th-way, or in any ban][. A1ls"'cI-. I to mention that t,Ilere lvere follr ~c~o~~nu~ - the First Stnnlford Nntional Ban]<is around $480. Ql~rstion.Tllnt is Stanlford, Corm. ? Ans~J'cr.First Stanlford Nat.ionnl Bnnlr; that is l,ilsbl, ~ifeclccoumt; nlltl tllen there is the Irving ~r,lstco.,,,.lterc? t~,