Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 1.djvu/5

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6 INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAGANDA upl)ointiiient lind been arran ecl from Washington, but in liis testi- mony on a snbsequent day, atf ~nittedthat this was the case. MacGnirc in brief, claimed that the ot~jectof liis visit was to in- clllce Butler to rlln for commander of the Ainerican Legion and tliilt he llud also talked to General Butler ahllt fonliing a con1niittc3 for a soni~tltlollsr, ancl a mnnd currency. hri~c(f~lil-c.cIciiic(1 that 11e liatl in ally wi~ytlro~lglitof anseating " the royal fulllily of the Ainerica~iLegion ", but that lie felt tliut if I3ntlel- conid become a delegate at the Cliicago conve~ilion,11c ~i~iplithc0111econ1)11ander, fifac.C;ui~.c~r~d~iiittetltliat. they did disa~sstlie lwssibility of Riitlrr Lrroa~irig21 tlclcga~tefro111Hawaii. iIlac(;l~irrciiiinletl tlint he wanted to interest T3utler in t'llh C~III- lilittce for a Soi~iitlDollar, beca~~se,bej~igu pnLlia III~I~,he coultl go o~it111itl sl)oak for the ~iiove~i~e~i t an11 that they wiIntetl 1ii11ito 1111\re an ol)l)ort~mityto 11iake a little money. 3lnc(iuirc dcnied that Ire liail at any time ever given I3ntler n pre- pared sp~wclianil clainlcd that lie, %IucGuire,wns t~lwaysfor I'resi- dcat Rmserelt. At, this )oint, hluc(fui1.t: stt~tciltllnt lle llad ait!t Butler on eight I 01. )line tlil rrent occnsions, Lut that lie ha(l nevcr t:~lkeilto tile geii- cral 11bo1lttaking 200 or 300 iiien to the Legion convention ia Clii- c.ilgo, no]. tl~t110 lind ever shown Batlcr a bank book or that lie liatl cvcr told I3utler that he hail large sunis of liiotiey at liis coei- iiiaiitl. 3lrlc.(fliil.c tcstifictl that lie had been in Newark on the occasion of ilic reniiion of the Twenty-ninth Division. 1Plat it was a Snn- day nncl thilt all he had done nras to llenr Butler's speed) and that he, BincGni~.e,tlien left. To a question by chairman of the committee, MacGnire answered "I ]!ever liaci any inoney and he (Butler) never askecl lile if I llad any.') Bli~cCxi~irenclmowleclged that lie lind mentionccl the lielne of Ro1)n.t Slcrli~igClark to l3uhler in connection wit11 the Co~nn~ittee for 11 Yonntl Ilollar and that he llntl told 13iltlc.r illtit Clurk wonid 1)ucIr U]) s11c.11a committee with nioney. At tlilit point hiucGnil-etestified that he had received $30,000 f~wu Rolna~iStcrling (:1n1.1; rild tlirtt tlin iilonc?y wits ~)lncctlin Qlic. Ccntrctl 13:1iioucr I3a11ltL% Trust Co. to the credit. of " The C3)11iniittc~for (L So~iiicl1)ollar nncl Sonnd Cnr~.ency,Inc." IIe fnl-tlicr testified that this nloney was miven him by hfr. Clark long uftor the Chicago converrtion of the $%ion, ant1 that. he had also 1-rcri\.rdfn,m IV11lte:. E. Frew, of the Corn Excbllr~ngenank & 'I'ritst ('o., the SIH~Iof $l,O(H), wlii~'11was also placed to the c~sdit of Ihc S~IIII(I hioi~cly('o~na~ittoc. hl;ic(f 11i1.c111~11testifietl that lie li~tlI-eceivecifro111Rohrt Sterling CI:irk ~~)~)rosii~~att"ly $7.200 for his traveling espenues to, in, and fi-oln E~iroiw,to wliicll bat1 been added the SIIIII of $2,WO 011 another o c.;~sionaiitl $l.OW at a~iotllei.tiine, untl he stated untler ort.11 that lrc 1isd not ~rc.ri\~etli~ilytliingflwn m~ybdyelse iuid ftirtlier testi- fied thi~the lirttl (lcpositetl it in his personal account at the Munu- fiic*ti~rc*~*s rSr~ihtCo.. -55 I3ron(l Street. &lac(;uil*efurther testified fliut lie lind a tlrawing account of $5&2 u ~iiontliriglit now, to nliicli were utlded sorue co~~iniiusions. INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PBOPAQANDA k L Later hiacCI~~iretestified that the $2,500 and the $1,000 were in coniiection with the organization of the Conllnittee for a Sound - Dollar. 3iuc(fuire ht~da hazy 1.wollaction tliut Clerk l~adhtlked to Ijntler, but denied ciiiphatically that Clwk had called hini up while Mac- G~~ire\\.as t~tthe c*oliva~tionin Cllicago, and that 11u did 11cA nlalie nrru~igo~ilenlsfor Clabrk to 111eet1311tlerant1 clid not l;now how the ~iieetinr HWS broucrlk u1W)ut. 3Isck'uire stuteX wlieil questioned regarding tlle spcznsordiiy of the gold stantlarcl ren)l~itionat Cllicago " I tllitik I had as n111cli to tlo wit.11 ~)ropowingit tis anyone." Ctlaimlan AlcConliuck then directed the following queotion : "1)id hIr. Clark contribute any aioney in any other \ray, besides the $30,1100 and thr other sliins tl~tltyou ha\w enun~eratehhe gave to you pcrsonullyt " ti) wliicll MucGuire re >lied, "No, sir; lie llbs i been askt~dseveral tinic~sto contribi~teto di erent h~nds,but lie has ref11se(9." Then hf:~c(;uii-eadmittet1 that lie hod sent Bntler post cnrcls fro111 rnrious 1)oints in Europe t~atlthat he dill have rr. con~ersationwith the perieral at the Bellevue-Stratford, bllt that he was only with 1li11ifor ahnt 20 alinutes. Blac(i~~iretcstiiied that lie told Butler that he was going to the convention in 3fim1ii md, ~vhenasked wlietlier lie had told Butler tllut Ile hacl st~itlictltlie ptlrt that the veterans played in the Emropean gover~~i~icnts, replied that Zle l~udnot. 3facGuire clcnie(1 telling Btitler anytlling abutany overnmental di set-ups in Europe, altl1oug1i he stuted that ha had to1 Butler that in his opinion " Hitler would not lust another yenr in Gernlany and that hiussolini was on tile skids ". MncGuire again emphatically denied that lie had said anytl~ing about the European veterans. Tlien MacGnire stated that Pall1 French had conle to him and ontlineci u lot of things that Butler was trying to do with different veteran outfits in the coustry, and tllut lie told Fi-encli that Butler should not be mixed up wit11 tllnt kind of stuff. Under further uestioning &facGuilwadlnitkd that lie hnd called \ E n ) Butler and as eil liiiii w11et.lier l~eknew Paul French and tl~nt w ion lie was :~SSII~C(~tll~t13i1t~lertlicl know hinr, 11e agreccl to sec .. hial. He stated that there was 110 l~articularsignificance in liis culling Butler to find out whethcr Fre~icliwas all riglit or not, ant1 that they discussed nlinor niatters and tl~utFrencli's purpose in his visit was merely to know him. While being nestiol~edb htlt Congress~nnnIfcConi~ackand Dickstci~i,Mac3r~iiros11dde117y ren~c!iirbe~.ecithat Clark liuil givcri 1ii11l soilie Ilrmiey in connection with sollie bond transactions u~id fixed the sum at $25,000, which he stuted he placed on deposit wit11 the Munnfacturers Trilvt Co., in u "slxcial account ", and f~irtl~er statecl tl~rltClark hud paid liis expenses in going around the country lookillp over various m111iicil)alitiesin connectioli with the purcliase of thew \mnds. hfucailire testified that this *25,0O \\'iIS to go back to Mr. Clark, and that lie had repuid $!!0,000 of it to Mr. dlbrt G. Cliristn~as