Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 1.djvu/6

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INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAGANDA INVESTIGATION d~ NAZI AND OTHER PROPAGANDA 9 I and that Cliristmas a ain gave him another check for $20,000 which lie redelmsited in the banufacturers Trust the special account It dioiild be noted here that Alkrt G.Cllristmas, attorney, 160 Broadway, represents Mr. Clark. MacGtiire swore that this money was for the purpose of buying scctii~itirsuird tlint Ire htttl &iscc1tlic nlonry to perchuse lrttcrs of ar:lit for tlrat ptirlmse. 'hen the qncstionin switclled to MacGuire's sta at the Palmer 1Io11soin Chicago, antf the ~vitnessadmitted that Sle lind 4 roonls tlicre for liis 1)orsonnl us,2 on one flooi- and 2 on anotllel:, and tlrat sonie of llis friends shared the rooms with hit~i,splitting the expense. At this point the letlgeiBstatement from tile ~i~~nnfact~~rers Tr~~st Co., sliowing the scco~mtof G. C. hfacGl~irespecial, was intrwlciuced alitl it sllowetl deposits on September 11, 10:33, $15,000; September 13, $10,000; Septenibcr 16, $2,200; Sel)te~iihr18, $90,000. Tile acco~i~itshowed withcli~awalson Sepbmhr 15 of $1,125; Seplcnlhr 16, %,MM; Sc)>teiiiber19, '$20,000;Septenil~r23, @;MO; i~ntlSq)tt~tirin~ib'L!), $16,700. 'l'lrcrih were ii tcw lirino~.wiii~tlruwulsIrter. Hcitci~z1t,i11ptliat lie w11s there for the nr1)ose of bl~yingb011cls with this $25,000 lic atlnritted thnt he did)not talk to anyone, nor th:rt lie boaglit any, nor tlittt he liact any record of having received cl~iotstioas,nor tlrt~the liacl nslccd any individual or f rnl hethe her t1ii.y lint1 wiy for sale. (.!oiiti~i~iingunder oatli 3lacGuire suit1 that the $1,125 was drawn for espenses nncl tliut the $0,000 ww tied 111) ivith other amounts, but 11i:lt the CQSII IVIS pziid back to Christmas. IXowewr, jb[acC;~~iretestified lie had no receipt fronl Cliristnias or anything else to sliow it. h~ttcoiiiret~diiiittedtllat 11e had b)ugl;htnnd sold boiids to the vallre of spproxiniutely 9 niillion clollurs for Chrk, throng11 the hlur.l>liy lirlrt, L111tl111tthis \\-IS tlle otlly tiiile lic l111d ('vet- been Iit~nilcdl~liy cttsli j)c1rsontrlly ~vitliwl~id~to bny theiii. Hotcl bills froni the I't~liiier Ho~isedlowed 3LcGuire registered tl~crecoi~tirruouslyfroiii Septe~nber21 to October 8. 191(>witnew tlio~ri~rtrocliicedstatenient of Central Hn~ioverBank sliowing that he llatl purcliased letters of cretlit amonntin(r to $30,300 1)rtwcbcm Septel~ikr19 rind Sel>tentl>er27, 1933. Hsfnrtf;er clnimed that he coiiverte(2 all of these letters of credit into cnsli at the ?pirst Natioanl 13anlc of C'hicugo ancl that lie put tile money into n safe tlcposit bbx in Clricago nn(1 t1i:lt after the convention was ouc?r, lie l~ro~iplitall of tlio cusli buck to hfr. Cliristnlas, less expenses, because hfrtc.t'r~iirestutrtl ~a~tlel-ot~tli,tlrut he tcwlk this $10,00 and plnaed it in Iiis safety Jeposit bos at the Se3ean~unS;khvilqs 13unk; that it iis no longer there; that he does not know when he took it out, nor does he reme~nberwhat he did with it. i Agoin under questioning Mec(;tuire did not have any receipts for any of the sunis of cash wkich lte cIaiiiis be repaid to Christmas as 'agent for Clurk, in one case a sun1 of about $30,000. I Note fn)m tlia cornn~ittce. I)el)csits in the Mnnuf~tcturersTrust Co. slxcinl uccou~ltwllidl totc1ll~w1'&26,OW irlitl the 810,000 wliidl ho ~rlaiiitshe received in eush at the I3ankers Club, are no part of the whicll was used by Mie co~iiirlitteeon sound sloney. Shortly before MacGuire left the stantl on his second day of qiles- tioning he agui~ireiterated that he hud been at the conventioil in Chicugo cont~nuouslyfrom about Septenihr 21 to Clcbber 8, while IIie actual convention was in session on1 on October 3,4, and 5 and T furtller stated that he llatl mnti~luousy knon the piby rdl of G. M. P. Murphy & C'o., regardless as to whether he was making hours of! inspection rtthe eslxnse of Clark or whatever he was claing. Before hiecGuirc's testi~uon wns resu~nedon Frida Ule 28d, the Hanorer 13t1nk in its lettar of credit depart.n~ent. l ea~iariitteeIllealrl Chude M. Kc~unison,connected wit i the Cenbal Atlu~usontcslilictl atrtl 111-cwliicx~tLbu~rkrccoluls diowing t1ittt MW- Gnira had purcl~akedwith cash on Septon1br 19 1Ud3, a letter of cretlit in the wnl of @2;800, and tliut lte caslld &J00 of it in New York iinn~etliately,tliat lie caslletl $1,100 of it at the First Nakional 13ui1k of Chicago on Septenrbr 92, and casl~dthe reinaining $900 at tile First Nutional Bank of Cllicugo on September B. 1 'l'lien A(1t1111sontestified that on September 23 (MacUuire was sapl)osed to be in Crlicugo tl~eii),MncGuire again caxne into the bank and bouglht. two letters of cretlit, one in the sum of $4,000 and the other in the son1 of $9,000, for which he presented in payment 13 one thousnnd dollar bills. Ada~nsonstated that the monev was handed tohim at the deek of J. I<. Olyl)llant, a vice president of the bank, nnd that the letters of (.redit were isst~~d. Acltl~i~uontestitietl Clicrt 1x)t.h of tlrew letters of cr~littotaling '$13,000 were cashed on September 29. Then Ailunison tcstificd tlint Madhiire ca~iieto the bank on Sep- tember 27,1933 (wllcn lie lrucl ])ravioasly testifictl he was in Chicago), ancl pi.esented a certifictl check in the sn~nof $15,076 wl~icllwas to mpreseilt a letter of clwrlit for $15,000 and the fee of $7675 . Aclamson swore and proclnced bnkrecords to show that the btter was paid for with u certified check of Mr. A. G. Cliristinas on the . Lawyers County Trust Co. I The bank recorcis sllowal tlit~thPacGuiie p~imliasedthis letter of credit on September 27, hacl it ~iiailedto Chicago and casiied it on ,Se)tel>ihrM, the day after lie l~utlcashed approximt\tely $14,000. I heCeiitral Hanover Bank also pmIwed duplicate clelmsit slips showing that MacGuire had depmited '$6,500 in currency in varying amounts in his personal acco~intbetween September 18, 1934, and November 19,1934, and when questioned, MaeQuirs said the money lcanie " from a safe place." MncGuire's personal account in the Irv- ling Trmt increased by $6,000 in u short time wit11 no explanation 1fortllconiing. Resnt~iinghis testimony on Friday, Novenlber 23, Mn&uire failed to 1,mltloa tt hkto whidi ile bad ~~reviouuly~wferred,in whiol~ha