Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/11

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PAUM Hoiiu, h~c*oo MACGOUIREGC Q73W 4liOZC PTYCS21 NWP6 k44hM Prom folb I To folio - a I~I~ArIO~ OF HAZI AND OTHER PBOPAQAXDA 69 .I 3 By the &AXEXAX : Qaestion. NOW,while you wen making all them trips, Murphy & b were pa ing yw9 a-a. L ,,@&ion. W'itila you were making the trip for Clark md -1- .Aniawer. Yea. OQoestjon. Going to these conventions in trying to bring; about m uiollaipogvum for the sound dollar, you were king paid right 4hwer. Pm;~ihrthe Chi-wpconventiorr, when tha sound4ollar den all moneys returned, giving their dates md arrrounw ninn,m to rtqtre& ou t6 do m. Tllc Cn~mxaw.d&req- I will order him t~ produce it Air. DrcxspMjbot (talk). That book will show. Tht Cnrzau~x.Wllot do you want him to priduce tomorrow! MP.Dzcramr~w.All moneys received by Clark or Chrisha.8or by otkar perm11 through that period would show expenditure8 ad eTbe WImzMI. Yes. Answer. What? @&ion. HOWmmy, altogothert Arywer. I don% how. I wddhare to look up that record there. Qudion. Which record? By the Cumct~: Quadion. Well, did ycm receive any more beyond that9 Arrtwer. In 18884 No, air.