Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/12

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I . L l Answer. Who? No one in &$organ & Co. gave me $5,000. 111 Clark gave me his check. Question. On Morrran & Co. ? Answer. No. it wis not on Morgan & Co. I believe it was a the Chaso ~anH Qncstion. ~eil,110w did you get this $5,000 letter of credit from &$organ(6, Co.? Answver. I didn't sa that. I said that I ot a check for $5,000 from Mr. Clark, and IKad gone to Morgrn & 80.and bought a let& of credit nominnlly paying for it $50. Question. I didn't ask ou that I just wanted to know how lvellt to IIorg~ndt CO. &U have explained it. Answer. Yes. Q~~estion.Now, then, I suppose the expense list of the tri was also entered by you? &smer. Yes; I have a record. Question. You have a record of that, and you will produo tbdtj Answer. Yes. 4 Question. Now, how long have you known Mr. Butler9 Sina when ? Answer. Rougllly speaking, I should say I have known Ctencrd Butler about 5 years. ,ail Question. When was the first time that you spoke to Oen Bntlor? When you went with Doyle? Answer. Wl1e11 I went with Doyle? This I don't tememkr. Qoestion. Now, what year was that? Ansnfel.. Well, I believe it was 1933. Q~icstion.And is it a fact that that was the first time that you personal contact with Mr. Butler? Answer. No; it is not o fact. Qllestion. When was tl~efirst time that you spoke to Butler? iiiercr. I do not recollect where it was. It was around (be rnetro1)olitan area somewhere, at some veterans' meeting. By the CHAIRMAN: I*a ~aestl'on.He testified that it was about 2 years before that holllc? the first real time that you met him was wl~eilyo11 wellt up b Answer. 15s. By &fr.DICKST~IN: Question. You came there by maclline? Answer. Yes. Question. Who oww~nedt.lle machine ;whose car was itP Ailswc~.Tt \tlus 11 utr tllilt we Ilil-cdnt tllu 13ollcv1ic-Stratford. Q~cstion. Doyle was with you? Answer. Yes. Q~~cstioll.Who was doing nll the tallring, you or Doyle? Aiiswel.. 7Vell- Q.t~estio~i(illto~.nlpti~lg).If you ln~nlMjbot (talk)lln~r. If you do~bY,d ttilswcr il. S .,t Answer. Mr. Chail.n~all,cnn me get it on the record- 'l'llc Crr~inhra~.lroa I~ttcl-:isk hlr. I)ic.lcstci~l. , mAY Tlic WI~NESS.I WOII~~say 50-50, all of the talking. t? t1 p, By the CXAMjbot (talk)MAX

i@e&ion Did you have a. talk or did you talk with Doyle befon tb, about oing out to see General Butler1 Amer. %m; I betievs he was down in New York, abut a week befo1.e Mlut, and we tnlked over rt nula~berof things. Q~reuth.Thatwas a prearrangement for you and him to go dm there? .- hawer. Yea. QlarCirm. He said that you wanted to go down to Philadelphia, md you were then b telephone him, and take a chance at his being &er;!Answer. L& mt get this afrdght, Mr. Chairman. 1do not want to at tied U on dab;it is petty Imq. I think Doyle and I talked h%erYO& and then whenever it wa after regot down to Phih- delphi*, we talked to Vine. Cardl aathen tb.qalbncame up bow about going oult to re% Butler, and talk with him- By Mr. I31'xax: Qllestion. Where wmYOU before you met Butlor in Juno or July of 1023 8 Where did ou from with the cart Am.F- ~hiTGhis. Question. Wdl, where dad ~QUbring it from t Answer. Wall, I do not remember; I think it waa from the Bellwuc-Wfd. Q-ion. Who rang the gem1~111,tO 11than spp~inbentand r p&rtohishoum,y&orlhyle! her.Wed, f don't remember whether if wrr ??A L or myself. Wm.Wm it the mm by the nams of Jact at rang md wkd him for m a~wintmmt,that you am two vetarms and 6. ranted to corn omkid talk to him t Answu. Oh, yes; th& rofrdes my mind4would like to get this oafhreoord. . Qnestian. Jud answe~that. The C~lluc~a.Xi3 mys "yes." k Qudon. Than, this Jack, what hirmedname? Amwet. 1 don't remeMjbot (talk)ber his faeond nuns;he was inWuced to f n8 fR the Mayflower Hotel. Question. That is WaYllingbn, andthe call woe from Washington? Am~ver.Yes; I guess that is right. ()madion. You made the statement a moment ago that you rang Urn fraths Bellevue-Stratford ;you were not ginng us the correct .- 1'- fifatemeatf Amw~r.I Bad pbinly forgottea the incident. &&Km. As a mrtbr of hct,that brine pi hcktO WIBftingtolb r ain, md tkis hyle,or Jnck, or wlrtltever his name ig rang Uenerai Ifu~ert I Answer. Yes. Qucution. And you and DoyL travelad in hmlrchh from Wash- inpton to Phila~ldphia? Aii.;wt~r.No, IN); WC wt~ittby train. itm. Went by train? ion. And you pck iirto this inachine nnd went over to tlw