Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/13

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INVESTXQATION 01 NAZI AND OTHEB PROL'AGIANDA 1 Answer. Yes; I remember it very distinctly now. Qnestion. That was really the first time that you were in home, or that you had a talk with him along the line of or whatever you may call it? i\~~ewcr.Tllut is tlio first time that I had ever talked to Ilinl. Question. 'l'liat was in 19339 Answer. Yes. Qucstion. That was in June 1938? Aliswcr. Was it June? Q~~esCion.I won't pin you down; it doesn't make any diife as to the place; me have the time fixed? Answer. You have the time fixed. Qllcstion. 'l'llat was almnnd Jane or Julyf ~ll~swar.Let lne aslc this, if I may. Can I ask it without hi on the record? nil*.DICIZSTEIN.Go ahead. (I)iscussion off the record.) By the CI~AIRUAH: Question. Did you go up in a ~ackardlimousine! ,irrs1\-c-c.1-. Gee ! I don't know ~~whether it was or not; I think it U a Paclcard car. Qr~c*stion.Driven by a c1.1aaffear? i\ lrswcir. Yes. Q~icstion.TVlio was the chauffeur? i?tls\~~ctr.I d011't. know. Qi~cition.With the cnr ? s\nswcr. With the car. Qucstion. Don't you know what Jack was? Ans\\.er. I don't know. Jack was introituced tile ITotcl Mayflower, nnd he was very much inte national veterans' organization and getting out the Nalionul Tribune, an(1he said lie had been to se several times and lie was a peat friend of his; a Doyla or myself said I lvould like to meet the en how the whole thing came up. This fellow said,' I awl ~nillcean appointment." Hc said, " You are goi York 2111d you cnn stop there to sec him." X-Ie call hf:lyflomer Hotel and made an appointme~~tfor us to (2uilstion. IVhat were you in IlTasliington for? rins~vcr.I believe I mus down there on business; I do not k just wl~ntLasiness it was. Qi~ostion.IIow did Doyle come into the picture? I\I~SW(\~. 1 tlli11k IN was down tllcrc for some other I~gionmr (,)erslion. And you happened to run across one anotllerf A~~h~vcr. Yes. Q~~estion.Iiom did you happen to see Vince Carroll! ~ills~~er. We saw Vince Cnrroll in Philadelphia on the way Q~~c\stion.On tile way back? ~lns~vcrr.Yes. (Jncstion. What about this talk in New York the we& k betweell .. . you and Doyle about Butler? What occasioned all B INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AHD OTHER PROPAGANDA 73 As I said to you at that time, this whole thind as it has 11 1.ofres11ed in my mind-as to this incident, Doyle ha been here was going back- Qwstion. You never met this Jack before? never niet Jack before; never. Qucstio~i.ILe called 111) and asked klie general if he would see a ~oleof vd3rans if they went out to see him? Answer. Yes. t Ql~estion.IXe didn't n~entionthe names or anything? C A~~sw!r.I think lie clid.

Question. Don't say you tliink ha did.

Answer. T don't whether lie mentioned it QucJion. That is e better allswer. When you sllg $",W1at is of no probative va~ght. b or not. "I think to meet this Jack! o Washington you bumped into hat his name is. 3