Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/15

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76 INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAGANDA Answer. Yes. Question. There was nothing in our mind or motive as far DtttLer was concerned that ha was to Lad the World War Wasi~ington- Answur. Except that after we had km diocussiu (his Biin Ua Intil~I said *I him, U W11 wouldn't it be st tl~ingto tlis 111,n as commander of the Lion"-4 get Lrman for the l~lluiderof the Legion. Question. That was the first time that tliol~gl~tof Butleg's binq commander of Answer. No. I had it In my mind a Question. W~Otold you that l -kaswer. I jud thougl~t-I had it in my mind that L would bo gt.t,otlman for the commander. Question. And now, didn't Butb ask you what your busincm n, when you came in l Answer. Yes; I believe he did. Question. What yon wnntecl to sco liim about ? Answer. He received us very cordially and asked us what wanted to see 11im about, and I think Mr. Doyle started aff md t lriln ~vllatI had in mind, after we hed dimmed these various thi in cuuueetion with the veterans and then I mid to him, "Why dcm you run for commander of the kegion?" Qucstiari. And now, at that tiuko how mucl1 money did ChW give you ? zl~iswer.InJune? Question. In June or July? Answer. No mone . Question. August V Answer. No money. Qnestion. How much did Mr. Clark give you? Answer. No money. Question. Were yon then sellin any bonds or buying my Answer. Oh, yes; I Iiad hen oing busines wit11 him ino dc war. % Question. Now, at tlint time, Julie or July, did you buy any for Clark? Answer. I believe I b.11ht and mld bonds. Qseption. What bonds &d you buy for Clark? Answer. I do not know. Q~~estion.In your own name? Answer. The finn's name, we had been doing bosina. with right along. Qncetiun. I an: not co~ifiaing ou to this time; around thL did you buy my land. far ~largl Answer. Well, th~~oaghdie firm? Question. Through an body. K Answer. I believe we ad several transactions with Mr. C1ah Question. What were they? Answer. I cannot recollect what they were now. Question. Will you check on that and give us the infomath.11 Answer. Yes; surely. Q~intion.Now, after you spoke to Butler, when wan tb. time that you went to see him in 1@3? INVmIQATION OX' NA%I AND OTHER PBOPMIIAXDA 77 that if they-if Cbristmrs at Wk-wanted to buy have bghtthase bnds right through Mu hy Q Co., intbsp..t;bsdidlof~ntogotoputo%r).thm,