Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/16

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78 INV~STIQATIONOF NAZI AND OTHER PROPA&~NDA Answer. That I cannot say. Question. Now, if they gave ou $10,000 or m,000adthey k B to You in a check or c&, woul n't YOU ask them make a memoran- dum on tllat stub for what purpope it wesfor the of buyilg artail1 bnds-wouldn't YOU do that as m Answer. Well, knowing Mr. Clark and Mr. ChrL%hW well f did, I did not think it would be fair to put that question that wy. Question. I will gut it another way. I am not t*ng You in any way; 1 tryin to get our mental operabon & tb, fB time. You were there when t ey issue th~ checks, weren't Answer. No; I was not. Qllestion. At any time after that, when you got the ~d, did deliver it to ou in one lump sum Answer. 3s. Question. Who delivered the money to you? Answer. I believe Mr. Chrbtmas. Qllestion. Did Mr. Christmas take a receipt for it? Answer. Not that I know of. Question. Was there anything wrong abut the t.ransaction, he took no receipt? Answer. No sir. Question. He tmk no receipt at any time! Answer. No, sir. Ql~estion.Now, where was that money delivered to vhceC rhngof now ? Answer. Wllicll money are you s Qliestion. The $10,000, or all o the cosh transactioner items that were turned over to you? Question. was tl~ereany entry made of that $10,000 item any- Answer. I believe the $10,000 was given in the Bankers

  • here up to this present day1

the luncheon. Answer. I believe I have a book record of all of those items down Question. YOUhad a previous arrangement, then-o go Answer. Yes. Question. And did you know that he was to give you the $10 in cusll ;or were you to get a check? Answer. I did not know what it was to be. Qu~tion.You did not know what it was fore Answer. No, sir. (hestiol~.Out of clear sky he gave you $10,000 in thou= dollar Bills? Answer. This was in addition. Quedioll. 111 addition to the lnoney tllat he gave you befoRf Answel.. Yes. it out, according to your best recol- Q1lestion. 13ofor.e he gave you the $20~;am I A11srnc.r. That is cor~.~t. or, I cannot 1-ecall when I took it out except that the^ (bl('s?;fi()ll. kw, how 11111clh tinle-]low many days llul up ul-o ]lPrC-tllat is, of tlle two letters O$ C~CCMjbot (talk)--SOtllat lt kiwccll pay~nentof the $20,000 and fie$10,0008 ve been nround those dates.

\lls\\.er. 'I do not remember,

Qllcstiol~.11'~~it a week or was it a lnontll9 Ans\ve~-.I cannot recollect. (&l~stioll.J\'~Sit (hiring the same month IIS\\PI.. T tlo ]rot ~-plll~~nl~~. Uli('st ion. I\'rls it in tl~esnllllller 4 A~I~WP~.. T tlii~ikit, was ill suell>Ier;ye. (41al;iioa. h1 tile 1083P A~rswrr.Yes.