Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/27

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100 INYESTIQATION .OF NW1 AND OT,HER PBOPAQAWDA lNVEsTIGATIOPT OP NAZI ANI) OTHER PBOPAQATDA ,1u3 I Mr. DICKSTEIN.YOUsay you have no such re rt qmptyou general correspondence that you hrd with Mr. ark? -I hlr. ErLacGu~m.Yes, sir. 3lr. I)I(;ICU~II.Have you that correspondence here! 311..hlau(;u~itx. Yes, sir. Mr. MacGu~a~.I tlli doconrents]. Mr. DICKST~N.l$r. MacGuir nds to the commit- copies of letters which he has written as and Sound Cur- went to Mr. Clurk a~ldMr. Christmas. Mr. l)icnsr.~r~.How is it that you addressed letter hpd 1934, fro111Paris directly to Bol~rtSbrling Clark? hlr. &lblaoGura~.That was probably a aeparatc item. hlr. Drc~sma.You llave another memorandMjbot (talk)n here dated the 6th of April 1984, and it is addressed My dear sir." knew (?lark \cry well. ffow is it you did not address him "My Clnrlr "P Mr. drIacGurx~.It must have becn a typographical error. Mr. DICKSTETN. There are two of them that we have called tion to now. Then you have one here of April 7, 1934, from addressor1 to hbrtClark, " My dear Clark." hfr. MacGmnz. Well, that is only a detail. Mr.. Drclrs~l*Mjbot (talk). There is anotber one dateit April 9, add " (tc~it~lcii~c~ifom Paris. Mr. B~ACQUIRE.Yes, sir. Here is tlie expcnsc substantiating vouchers and the record that was kept drily. hfr. Dru~al.r.:rw.For the rcco~d,tlio witness proclnccs n state1 \~lliclibrgilis with hIarch 9, 1014, ant1 terlliinatcs with May 291, 1 showing an espense total of $7,034.76. Diil t1121tnlo~~eycollie froin the funds provided by Mr. Clrk Mr. ChristnlusP k. ~UYLYEE'I:N.The witnes also givea the conrmi#ee the hat Mr.. AI.I(:GUJWE.351'. Clark 13~0G~nnaitt~eoil it Solil~dC~trrcll(-yant1 n Sko~~ndI)ollar, g RIGCORD REFERRED TO WAS MARIiEI) " EXHIJUT 1 D, NOV. a,l#S4.") (TlbeK3 four lad-named exhibitr are on fib with tlre cwal- miuee. St!p. lG1.) has B! .B! tpcrjl'tl ( (TIII SO.