Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/28

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INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAGANDA lv3 102 IbTm!MC3ATIOB OF #A21 AXD (YTHEB PBOPAGAITM Mr. DICHBTEIW.The witfieas has also made available to tka IIr. DICKSTEIN.Was it less than that? , mittee car~pondeneewith v Afr. ~{ACGUIRE.More th11 that. subject, shiull tlte conl~nittee, ICSTEIN. \]That was the average of the money You order. the fiscal ye:lr ending January 1, 1933, fro111 nlurl)l1y air. AMjbot (talk)GUIRE. I tl~i~llrit was a total of $9,200. blr. DICICSTEIN.That is after deducting your drawing acconnt? )lr. B$A~G~~B. That is the money tllat I received. hfr. ~TC~<STEXX.The total slim? hIr. MACGUIRE.Yes. 11~.DICI~STE~N.111 1934, up to this time, can you tell 110~mucl1 you have received, npproxinlatcly ? BIr. ~IACGUIRE.I cannot sny. hIr. DICKSTEIN.IIow :)bout 1933? )fr. &lacGmn~.I just told gou that. hIr. DICKSTEIN.IIow nbout ,388 Mr. lIacGums. In 1032 I believe it was around $9,000. llr. nmlrscm~w.SOt,llat in the lnst 3 or 4 years it has nvel'nged bt\\-eennine and tcn tllo~isandtlollars? hlr. I\IACGUIRE.Well, I would not want to tie myself down. blr, DICICSTEIN.YOUought to know how much you have received. IAcG~E.JVhatever the records shorn, I received that CI~STI~IN.MTe (10 not wa~itto go into a11 the rccorcls. You say bat in 3034 and in 1933 it xfasaronnil nine or ten thousand dollars? GUIRE.Not 1934; 1934 has been a very bad year. CICS~~IN.In 1033 you say it was about nine or ten thousand Mr. MacGm~.Yes, sir. blr. DICKSTEIN.And in 1932 about the sanle amount? BIr. AfacGu~n~.I thinlc it wns around $9.800. Blr. DICI~STZIN.You had no other income than what you received from Afnrpl~y& Co. ? )fr. MecG~1n~.Except my clleclc from tllo C*overnment. )fr. ~ICIC~TEIN.IIow much is that? blr. ~~ACGUTI~E. $87 n luonth. hfr. I)ICICS~~I.:IN.A month? 31r. Af,ic(fu.m~.Ycs, sir. I have had n few trndes and transactions that mipllt come into thcrc at different times. Jlr. ~ICI~~TETN. TVhat do you mean by trndes; you bought or sold Bonds for cnstomers? Blr. hf.IcGmrr~.Certain bonds. )fr. nrclrsmrn. 'rliey were not your bonds? >fr.ll,icGmn~.:.No. all.. ~)I~~CSTE~N. YOU \rere ncting as agent for somebody else? Mr. ~IIACGUIRE.Yes, sir. >lr. D~~I<~~IN. Loolung at the account produced by you, Irving Trust Co., between September 18, 1933-which is the beginning of tlrcnccount, 1 nssnme-to Novrmher 10, 1034,yoil sllo~~an nmount (]cpositof $97,766.94. ]VII(IC ]rind of n tritnsnction \ytlS tllilt ? The CIKAXK~AN. You did draw four-hurddmd-d JIr. 3facGnnt~.That was not a cleeposit, Mr. Diclrsteln. a month. 'I'bat was your fixed drawing nocwntl Mr. I)ICIIS~~'I'RIN.IVhtlt wns it? Bfr. Mn&usm. fitail the time. .1'