Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/29

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I I 104 IWVESTIQATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAGANDA I & Co. selling them, you =Id had them, and I picked them up and sol CO, and they sold them tn somebody el nctlon. .took them in and loanad t+e Mr. DIDK~~N. Did Muryhy & Co. have to go to you to sell to the Irving Trust Co.? Did they not have an account of to the Irving Trust BLacGum Prom bond transactions? and so; will you clear them? " CHAIRMAN.Yes. got an ncco~~ntthere. They $f~I*dfmnA wry mall mount, probably @!W. a clcaranco transaction. Czr~rnn~.That waa ail last year. hfr. DJCKSTEIN.So far as the bonds were concerned, it wu your property? Mr. 3f~cCxmm.No. They were not my property, Mr. DICK~N.Then why did not Murplry & Co. clerr through their own bank1 Mr. MAOGDIRE.Because I sold the bonds. Tl~uCHAIRMAN.Wllat did you do with the ~noney? Mr. MA&UIBS. The money \v.vos checked out and credited to account. Tlle CHAIRMAN.And where would the moncy go from then? Mr. M~oQunekIt is atill in the account. The CHA~MAH.If money is credited your ace back to MurphyO Mr. I\i~cGmThis whole transaction is technical. of $1,4W in cash, At~guet1, 1834; mother The CIIAIRMAN.But it must be cryable of an explanation. 26 of $!X@; another item of cash of $40 on did you get these bonds O P;.