Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/5

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56 INTrESTICtATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PROPkMDA . INVESTIGATIONOF NAZI AND OTHER PBOPAaANDA ,l Answer. I cannot go back to that at all;I cannot say. Question. Have you records showing what the transaction W Answer. No, sir; I have not. Question. You never dealt in sums like this before, did you? Answer. No; I can't say that I have. (J~~cstion.Not for yoursclf nor aiiybody clsc? flnswcil. Tllat is right. Question. So this is not an ordinary incident in your life, deal in sulns of this anlount? t lvus in cash; it was simply for the reason that Answer. Oh, yes. S necessaiy for me to g& letters Qoestion. That is true, isn't it? ~lnswer.Tlint is riglit; yes. Question. Now, sc1)ternher 16, according to this stahment, hntl on deposit $20,175; is that ~aigllt? lortly after the convention? Answer. Yes. eeks after the convention. Qacstio~~.Fifteen, ten, and t\vcnty-t.Mjbot (talk)olltindred make $27,200, all tlio \\:ithClr(~~vt~ls,a total of $7,125, leaving a balnlice on dep on Scl)tcmLc?r16 of $20,075? trnllsaction of nny kind ~lnswcr.Tllut is riglit; ycs. lirjstmas before? Qucstion. On Septo~nbel-18 you mitl~ilrcw$20,000; that is isn't it, leaving a balance of-no; I wit1lclril.w that. On Sel,te 18 you dc1)ositccl $20,000 and on that date ~ilaclca balance of 8 on deposit; that is' right, isn't it? by Mr. Clark for the Ans\vel.. Woll, is it riglit? 'J'llat is t.11~tlii~lgUlat I an1 conf tit letters of credit and about. it; in other words, on Mr. 1\Lisnu. \Troll, accorrling to the statement, it is vight. syYou purchased let- Question. Well, all right; according to tlle statetnent it is ri istrnns gave YOU YOU and on Scl~tember19 there \\-as Mjbot (talk)ithclm~vn $20,000? S; why did YOU cash Answer. Yes. use that $25,000 for Question. 7.I7hichbrought it back to $20,075; that is true, Bn9t Answer. Yes. ike Chicago, we had Qiiwtion. On Septcnlber 23 there wils a witlldrawal of $3,800 bonds, and natllrally $16,700; wllnt was that witlldm~valfor? ant you llave got A~lswcr.Well, tllere was a letter of creclit wllich was b Septelnber 22 for $1,100 and the 23d for $300--what is fi ry with this $25,OQO again, Mr. Chailman? (ancstion. The 23d. On the 23d yea witlldrew $300~ Alu~vcr.Yes. Question. On the 23d you withdrew two cliecks, one fbr $3,900 another for $JG,700, rr total of $20,0008 Answer. September 23? Qllation. What was this withdrawn for-what was tllat witlidri~wnforf Al1swcr. I balievo Hiat they were \vitlidrrwn for flla Burpor letters of credit, altllougll I an1 not suree. uestioll. NOW,were those withclra~v~~ in cad? Answer. Cash, I believe; yes. Chlcstion. Now that left a balance of $75 in the accounk, Answer. A ~parently;yes. Qlmtion. bctober o tlicre wore other items bhli N0~l~ll~ber17 ).oil deposited $1,000 to clean up solne item,t ap1)rosilnately $1,0004 2111s\vc 1.. Tcs. (hl('stion. Now you tnolr those $20,000, you say, with w]ljc 1)urcllnsc.d letters of credit, and the rword shows tllat yoll