Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/6

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68 INVESTIGATION OF NAZI AND OTHER PBOPAOANDA Question. Who hod charge of Mr. Clark's booh? thicr ofl therecod! Answer. Mr. Christmas. Question. Is he in town? Answer. No; he is in Eur Here is a cable from h Question. No. The;ro% intuet mei I noul 1hi111. If this @,l0Q0 was iven to you in ~IIMjbot (talk)OU with 7, actioiq why d~ouldyou ave hen givm $10F Christ~nas? Answer. Well, I ehouid say because it m item of $1,500 expenaes would have to .....I aiklitimlal money might have ben to buy m 8p Par value of bonds, and that would probably between the two amounts. Question. Was that so? Answer. Yes. Question. How do you know thrst; YOU XNSV before P .i.l-.,FjaT ii~-~wer.%cause we bad4 see aome bonds thrt W* November 11. Qkion. Why didn't you tell us abut this $10,000 art I1. ~ornemhr tti froan Mr. Chriotmas before ~nmer.wejiY r%not think dd it, man. Question. I seked YOU about dl the moneys thdyou You ~~t all the muroes art you eould have gotten it Answer. 111m may be memore money. Question. Ma~b,W; m a matter of fat, in addition to @09000 1 - Your exwnm; this (80,300 was not inclodiq ex, pm, was it-- Answer- I think I took the expenses out of th difleren~;now, what the difference is, 1 cannot Qllestion. Let me ask you thh: my huld l~k4e1-sof. credit in Chicago and put that m box t Amwer. Ifeltthatif Ihadaohamtobuy could buy them ri ht 08 for &. 8 Question. n't lehof credit be .amp&d jwt dt Answer. They robably would. P Question- WOUdn't they be ufer than on Answer. They probbl would, yea; but &em h no P gekting the cosh, M thew Qmtion- I 'ust wanted to get your st.& of mind, ht 1. be the r0b.b course for m average paon to pu-, E. under t circumstances? Ans~cr.well, I thue are people that would barn CPS~in this countrp. Qudon- 'l'here are exceptions to every gen-1 rule, of But I want to ask you hi- Mr. MAQU-&-Chakm,may I say for fierm& that m a tclegnm from Mr. Christmas which would answer ,,- tion as to where is Mr. Ciiristmasg 271e c11~1~~r-m. 1amnotgoingtoletin fllrid1ll.s W8.f~ to appradtestify glad to hear from him.