Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 2.djvu/7

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60 INVESTIGATIONOF NAZI AND OTHER PROPAGANDA Question. Well, ou were friendly with Johnston, weren't yout I Answer. Louis ohnston? Question. Yes. Answer. He was commander. Question. Wllat did you wtint Butler to run for? What, wan t object in having him run; what was the purpose? Answer. Because I did not think there was before the Miami Answer. No, sir; now, I didn't go to him for th getting him to run for commander. Question. That was not the purpose? Answer. Absolutely no sir. Question. And now, did you talk with didn't talk with him, about making a spe Answer. With General Butler? Question. Yes. Answer. No, sir. Question. Did you talk with anybody about that? Answer. I talked with Mr. Boyle abou Question. Did you talk with anybody else there? Answer. I do not remember that I did. Qllestion- Did You try to get anybody to malte a speech tllenl Answer. No, sir. Qllostion. Nobody at all in the country? hswer. No sir; I do not remenlber of fact, &fr. &hairman, I did not speak to lnaking a speech at Chicago for the gold stn ille fo~lationof a society, a comnlittee for a S m~n(lcurrency and, inasmucl1 as General Butler wa wilt out inblicly speaking for a fee t J tllougllt he would be a fine man to h mitbo; and when I went down to his ~econ(1till-~eI talked with llini about i "TT.Tell, I have got a publicity ngent j goillg io got rid of liinl ~CIL~ISOtllis bnsincss, and " Ile said, "I am cl1 3 forget lllnn s name, but he sllow ancl he said he would like to llav Ijutlcr tolcl me that he got $350 Qllcstioll. Are you fncndly \vi this year? ~!~IS\\.(T. Bclgruno, tllnt is Qiiestion. Yes. ~!ns~\rer.Yes. Question. Didn't you know that he