Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 5.djvu/145

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Carl Schurz

the United States the country will be assured of a wise, honest, conservative and safe administration of public affairs; that its material interests will be promoted by a rational economic policy; and, what is of greater consequence, that the growth of demoralizing influences in our political life will be checked, and that our youth will be inspired with nobler ambitions and loftier conceptions of public duty, usefulness, success and distinction.


Bolton Landing, Sept. 9, 1892.

Many thanks for your kind note of the sixth. The German translation, which I dictated yesterday, as well as the last pages of the English manuscript, went to New York this morning by the early train.[1] I think it necessary that I should read the proof of those last pages, as the manuscript is not very clear, and serious mistakes would be irksome. This may cause another delay of a day or so, but it is better that the work be well done, than that it be quickly done. The epistle has become awfully long and I was really frightened when I saw the bulk of it in print in the proof slips.

Whatever arrangement you may make as to the distribution of the slips will have my approval.

I think it of supreme importance that Mr. Stevenson in his letter of acceptance should come out squarely and without circumlocution against free coinage. A mere indirect declaration, as for instance the indorsement of the platform would be, will not be sufficient. It will be taken from him as an evasion. I suppose Mr. Cleveland's influence would be very strong with him, in regard to this

  1. This refers to the campaign letter dated Sept. 8th and printed ante; but it was not sent until several days later, as is shown by this and the following letter to Mr. Shepard.