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choose from and all, but don't you think for one minute she'd ask you up here to the bungalow if she didn't have something else in the back of her mind.

I'm sure . . .

So am I. Absolutely. Now here's what I want you to do: encourage her. Make love to her. Get her for yourself. Drive this cheap titled piece of cheese out of here!

Why, I don't . . . I can't . . . Ambrose rose once more to wildly cry out his protests.

You can. You gotta. It's only a question of time before she'll get you anyway, but let's hurry it up. Let's get rid of this lounge lizard right away. Yesterday was too much. Here she's scarcely come home when he asks her for a Rolls-Royce. His middle name is Gimme. The man has no feeling, no romance in his soul. He's just playin' her for a sucker, that's all.

Ambrose thought rapidly. I must go away from here at once, he announced.

You . . .

Ah, there you are!

The bright figure of Imperia in stiff pale-green organdie made an abrupt appearance. Ambrose perceived at once that she was frowning.