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Mama, the telephone's ringing every instant and you know Manuel never gets messages right, isn't it? Do take the job off his hands for a while.

Mrs. Starling, obviously extremely ill at ease, approached the star and embraced her. Then she walked unsteadily away. Her age or some infirmity condemned her legs always to behave as though she were intoxicated.

How did you sleep? Imperia inquired of Ambrose in her gentlest tone.

Not very well. I think . . .

It's the climate. It does that at first to every one. After a week or so you'll sleep like a baby.

I think I'd better go, Ambrose announced.

Go! Why, you've only just come!

Yes, I know, but I think I'd better go.

Before you write me a story! I won't hear of it!

I think I'd better go down to the Ambassador, he urged breathlessly. I'll see what I can do there. I feel I'm imposing on you here.

Imposing on me! Imperia laughed. Nothing imposes on me. If you weren't here the servants would have nothing whatever to do, isn't it? I won't hear of your leaving. Besides you could never work at the Ambassador. It's full of people that would disturb