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supporters too tight, or they will pull it down, as without the old curved front the corset has less pressure an the figure.

The lighter the material used in the body of the corset, if it is firm, the more ease and elasticity it will give to the figure. The present mode is to give a straight line from the breast bone to the toes. When a proper Spirella Corset has been selected and the woman has learned to put it on properly, it will be perfectly comfortable. It will not draw her body out of shape, but will simply make the most of her natural grace and beauty. Tight lacing and wearing corsets not adapted to the figure, should be avoided as you would smallpox. The process of torture and death may be slower, less acute, but is just as sure.

61. For instructions on how to put on and lace a Spirella Corset read our circular entitled, "How to Adjust the Corset."

We manufacture a full line of corsets made to fit models of standard proportion. Few women will find any difficulty in selecting a corset from our regular line which will fully meet their requirements.

62. SLIGHT VARIATION FROM STANDARD.—Those who vary slightly from the Standard, can have alterations made in regular models by paying the small additional price stated in Wholesale Price List. Full measurements and explanations filled out on our SPECIAL AND CUS­TOM ORDER BLANKS must accompany each order for "SPECIALS." See rules for taking measurements, Section 10, also instructions contained in Catalog and Correspondence Lessons.

63. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF CUSTOM WORK.—Those whose forms vary too much from Standard, can have Spirella Corsets made to order from patterns drafted specially for them. The Superintendent of our Cutting Department has made a special study of building Custom corsets to measurements and if our Representatives will give us complete information asked for an our Special and Custom Order Blank, we will guarantee to make the garment exactly as ordered. We must, however, hold Representatives responsible for taking the right measurements and selecting the right model from which the Custom corset is to be built. In making this Custom work we do not agree to follow any designs except those shown in our Catalog.

We propose to maintain the high reputation which we have already established in this class of work. If Representatives will take measure­ments for Custom work carefully and accurately we will support them at the Factory by doing careful and accurate work. Be very careful about describing and illustrating an the Special and Custom Order Blank the peculiarities of form in each case. We will make the corset according to measurements, but must insist upon payment for all corsets made to order without the responsibility of their fitting. You must also insist that the customer learn how to put on and lace her corset. Insist that she follow directions in our printed instructions which are supplied with each corset. You can give her perfect satisfaction in corset wear only as she