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follows these instructions. For prices and instructions about taking orders for Custom work, see Section 10, of this Manual, our Catalog, Corre­spondence Lessons and Wholesale Price List.

64. DEPARTMENT OF DEFORMED WORK—In this branch of our business we are making corsets, jackets, abdominal bandages, etc, for both men and women who are afflicted with corpulency, spinal curvature, and other diseases which make special bandages and jackets necessary.

65. HIGH WATER MARK.—In producing the Celebrated Spirella Corsets, we have reached the high water mark in the art of corset making. Those who wear Spirella Corsets say they do not impede their movements in any way, are perfectly comforable,—can do all kinds of housework in them, including "house-cleaning," without the slightest discomfort. A lady can engage in all kinds of out-door amusements and sports customary to women, with perfect freedom. She can dress for a party or ball, and put on a Spirella Corset without the slightest misgiving that her pleasure may be cut short or marred by the breaking of a steel.

We know of well authenticated cases where women have been seriously injured by the breaking of the common corset steel, and other cases where cancers have been attributed to injuries received from broken steels. What a load is lifted from the women of our country by Spirella! No ap­prehension! No fear! Complete satisfaction! What more can one ask? It touches the zenith of the Corsetiere's art and creates a tremendous de­mand which it alone can satisfy.


The Adaptability of the Standard Spirella Models.

66. EACH OF THE VARIOUS STANDARD SPIRELLA MODELS is given an individuality of its own. It is built for some one particular type of figure. A corset cannot give satisfaction if worn by any other type than the one for which it is intended. The Representative who places one of our elite models on the wrong type defeats the intent of our designer and fails to give the satisfaction which the customer has a right to expect. It is absolutely necessary, therefore, that our Representatives should study the lines of every model we manufacture and learn the special type of figure to which each is adapted. It is this knowledge of your corsets and the particular class to which each is adapted as well as the knowledge of how to adapt each style by Special and Custom work to the irregular figures you meet which makes you a finished Corsetiere. If you carry out these suggestions and become thoroughly acquainted with your work, which will require hard study and some experience on your part, you will in time establish a reputation as a Corsetiere and will build up a permanent busi­ness.