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kindness, and let Thy faithfulness be with us every night.

As time whirls on in its ceaseless course, we are enabled more and more interiorly to behold the necessity for purification; but we acknowledge with shame how little we have hitherto reduced our knowledge to practice. But for the interposition of Thy Divine providence, we confess we should have still further neglected our duty. We thank Thee, therefore, O heavenly Father, that we have been permitted to become the subjects of Thy righteous dispensations; and we further implore Thy Divine aid, that we may resist the evil which is continually infesting us.

The day is again spent, and the shades of evening close around us. We have engaged in our duties as the light endured. May this bring to our remembrance the necessity of preparing for that night which shall usher in the morning of our existence in the eternal world. Endow us with a spirit of watchfulness. Teach us to strengthen the things that remain, that are ready to perish; and aid us to acquire that temper and spirit which shall fit us for the important change from this world to one of eternal rest and peace.

We commend our spirits, O Lord, our merciful Father, to Thy gracious keeping.

Our Father, &c.

Tuesday Morning.

ALMIGHTY GOD, our heavenly Father, with the dawn of another day we rise and bless Thy holy name for the night's repose and refreshment: Thy mercies are ever new towards us, and we bless