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Thee for Thy Fatherly care. Thou makest the outgoing of the morning and of the evening to rejoice. Thou hast raised us from comparative death to newness of life; therefore among the living will we praise Thee, and magnify Thy mercy as long as we have any being.

Enable us, O Lord, to turn our thoughts and affections unto Thee, as the Giver of every good and perfect gift; enable us to learn of Thee as Thou hast desired, so shall we find rest unto our souls,

We confess, O Lord, that hitherto we have followed too much the devices and desires of our own evil hearts; we have done those things which we ought not to have done, and left undone those things which we ought to have done; like the troubled waters which cast up mire and dirt, our evils send forth corruption and pollution. O help us to reform the evils of our life! Assist us to enter on the path of regeneration. May Thy example be ever before us; and as Thou, through temptation, when on earth, didst overcome our direst enemies, so may we, looking to Thee for help, be endowed with strength to contend against our corruptions, and finally rise triumphant over them; until, perfected by suffering, we are prepared for a higher state, and purer existence, in Thy heavenly kingdom.

Our Father, &c.

Tuesday Evening.

OMNIPOTENT and Eternal Jehovah-Jesus! Thou art infinite in goodness, wisdom, and power! Thou art our Creator, Redeemer, and Re-