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generator! the Governor and Preserver of the universe. May Thy name be hallowed, magnified, and adored, from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same! Who is like unto Thee, O Lord? displaying constantly the treasures of Thy grace, the wonders of Thy love, and pardoning continually our iniquities, transgressions, and sins. Thy mercy is indeed from everlasting to everlasting. O may we walk in Thy love and fear, and be constantly striving to become conformed to Thy likeness,

Thou hast made us partakers of exceeding great and precious privileges. Thou hast permitted us to behold the dawn of a new era upon the world. Old things are passing away, and all is becoming new. A dispensation in which righteousness and peace shall dwell together, is opening upon us. Grant, therefore, O most merciful Father, that we may put off the old man, fashioned after the world, and put on the new man, fashioned in righteousness and true holiness after the model of Thee, our great and glorified Redeemer. May old things pass from us, and new affections, new desires, new thoughts, derived from the purity of Thy Word, be so established within us, that we may have inscribed upon our hearts a new name, a new quality, preparing us for a place in the new heavens above.

Our Father, &c.

Wednesday Morning.

ALMIGHTY and most merciful Saviour, with humble and grateful spirits we desire to approach Thee, to bless and praise Thy holy name,