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he has none to spare; his utmost diligence must be exerted to procure enough. What, then, is the condition of those destitute of oil?

All the ten virgins, we may conclude, were in the acknowledgment of sound doctrine, for they all had understandings—vessels, lamps. But celestial love in the heart, denoted by the oil in the vessel, was possessed only by the wise, and the others the Lord knew not.

Our faith is the light, our charity is the oil, and when these are united and manifested, we are known by the Lord. Faith alone will not save. Charity alone will not save. But both united are saving. Let us have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and bring forth the fruits of faith in a holy and religious life. Then will our lamps be always trimmed, and we ourselves ready to enter in to the marriage when called.

October Seventh.


"They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever."Dan. xii. 3.

HOW universal is the application of Scripture! It comprehends, in its illustrations, all that can be learned of the Great Supreme, of the immensity of His works, of the heavens in which His throne is fixed, and of the earth which He has made His footstool. But its illustrations also extend to the creature; and in looking at the wonders without, we are too apt to neglect the wonders that are within. God