Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/135

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is the life of all; and this life, like a sea, fills every other deep; and like a sun, its fervent beams of heat or love penetrate every heart willing to receive it; while its rays of truth or wisdom permeate every understanding. They who are desirous of becoming fully wise, who seek after the wisdom that cometh from above, will, on receiving it, resign themselves to its benign influence, suffer it to pervade their whole lives; and their lives being thus formed according to the pattern of all wisdom, the Lord Jesus Christ, they become as the resemblance of that brilliant, but mildly tempered, expansive firmament of spiritual glory, which beams forth as the only directing light conducting to the kingdom of our Saviour. They are, therefore, among those who may be denominated the "light of the world." These are, as the accommodated suns, to reflect the glory of the Lord.

All wisdom and all goodness belong to the Lord alone. And as the Lord takes up His abode in the inmost of their thoughts and affections, He becomes the sun that illumes their mental hemisphere, the sun that is in the centre of their spiritual firmament. Theirs is the light of true wisdom, drawn from the atmosphere of the Sun of Righteousness, which causes their face to shine; theirs is the heat, of that perfect love which beams forth in their expressive countenances, with all that benignity and suavity of pure charity and benevolence, speaking, in silence more eloquent than words, the language which inspiration utters, "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." Thought answers thought, expressive of the wisdom of the Most High, and of their delight in it. Affection responds to