Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/195

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, for ever,

Prayer for Monday Morning, 181

existence, we pray Thee give us hearts to feel, and hands to help those who may be placed in less favourable positions than ourselves; but above all things, we pray that Thy help may be ever present to those that suffer. Be Thou their consolation in pain and sickness, and let the light of Thy countenance shine upon all who languish. Into Thy hands we resign our spirits, retiring to rest in humble confidence on Thy divine protection. Our Father, &e.

Monday Morning.

O LORD GOD our Saviour, Who art near to allmsuch as call upon Thee in truth, we desire to approach Thee this morning with heartfelt gratitude. We bless and praise Thy holy name as the great Creator, Preserver, and Governor of all things, as our Redeemer, Deliverer, and continual Benefactor. All Thy Divine perfections call for our adoring gratitude, and we would humbly come and worship at Thy footstool, acknowledging Thee as God over all, blessed for ever.

As the day returns, so we do feel the necessity of returning unto Thee, for we can do nothing without Thee; we feel our utter weakness and helplessness, and all our sufficiency is of Thee. Be with us, therefore, O Lord, we beseech Thee, this day, and may our weakness be rendered strong by Thy power. In Thy strength may we go forth, and may the arms of our hands be made strong by Thee, the mighty God of Jacob. O keep us in a state of watchfulness over our