Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/196

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propensities, that we be not hurried into the delights of the flesh, nor into the gratifications and pollutions of sensual pleasure; but may we be modest, chaste, and discreet, and keep ourselves unspotted from the world. In our intercourse with our fellow-men, enable us to be just and upright, neither overreaching in business, nor staining our consciences by falsehood and evasion. May the fear of Thee be ever before our eyes, that we sin not; but in all states and conditions of our lives, remembering the dignity of the name we bear, may we strive to live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world.

Our Father, &c.

Monday Chening.

LORD GOD our Saviour, we humbly beseech Thee to prepare the hearts and understandings of mankind, that as Thy truth is now revealed, they may be willing to receive it, and live under its influence. "The time, the set time to favour Zion, being come," may the truth of the everlasting gospel make steady progress. O send forth Thy light and Thy truth that the church, from the low condition into which it has fallen, may be raised; and grant that the "little city with few men in it" may become a great nation, and Thou. O Lord of truth, be alone exalted in this the day of Thy second appearing.

Cause men to behold Thee as Thou art, a God of truth and leve; and establish Thou Thy church in purity and holiness. May all formality and worldlymindedness give place to purity and spiritual affec-