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Prayer for Fuesday Morning. 183

tion. May error and corruption, strife and envy, false doctrine and pervérsity, cease; and may simplicity, peace, holiness, and purity, be established among us for evermore.

Our Father, &e.

Tuesday Morning.

MERCIFUL and heavenly Father, another morning has dawned upon us, and again we humbly draw near to Thy mercy-seat, to Thank Thee for the blessings of the past night, and to offer unto Thee the first thoughts of another day; a day which brings us nearer to eternity, and which ought to impress us with greater seriousness and devotion.

We see, O Lord, the difficulties which surround us, trying to withdraw our minds from the spirit and life of religion. While in our closets, or on our knees in Thy presence, all the future seems spread before us, and its vast importance speaks to our souls in a language not to be silenced or mistaken. "Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge."

O Lerd God our Saviour, we confess our sins before Thee, and humbly pray Thee to assist us, that we perform our duties more faithfully; that what we vow in our closet and on our knees, when in Thy immediate presence, we may be endowed with strength faithfully to perform in the world; and that while we complain of the injustice, ingratitude, and oppression of others, we take care that none of these vices enter into our souls; but that, condemning the evils which have