Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/198

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overrun the world, we may look constantly to Thee for assistance, to enable us to shun them ourselves. Lord, be with us this day, in our going out and in our coming in. May the fear of Thee be ever before us, that we sin not. May we strive to be continually exercised in works of charity, piety, and usefulness: and may all the glory be ever ascribed to Thee alone.

Our Father, &c.

Tuesday ECoening.

LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, by Whose Divine bounty we have this day been fed, by Whose Divine providence we have been guided, and by Whose all-merciful goodness we have been preserved; we desire to adore Thy high and holy name, and to acknowledge with grateful hearts that Thy goodness and mercy have followed us all the days of our lives. We praise Thy holy name for the cheerful light of this day, and for the light of reason which enables us te enjoy the beauties of Thy creation, and render ail Thy works subservient to our use and benefit. But, especially do we desire to offer our humble and grateful thanks that Thou hast, by revealing Thyself, brought life and immortality to light by Thy gospel. In Thy Holy Word have we been taught that Thou art the light of the world, and that all who come unto Thee may receive of Thy fulness, and grace for grace. And Thou. O Lord, art ever present in Thy Word, and from its sacred truths we may constanfly draw forth wisdom, if we peruse it with humility, and in a teachable spirit.