Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/202

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continually. O turn us unto Thee, Lord God of our salvation, yea, turn us again; cause Thy face to shine and we shall be saved. Send forth Thy righteous dispensations among us, take away our stony hearts, and give us hearts of flesh; grant us Thy grace, that we may wrestle with our corruptions, and, from this time forth, devote ourselves more faithfully to Thy service.

Our Father, &c.

Thursday Chening.

LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, behold with mercy

the family who now humble themselves before

Thee, and who, uniting in worship, desire to adore Thee as their tender Father and beneficent friend; as their protector in every danger, and as their Saviour

- and Redeemer. Whose watchful eyes behold and avert

all evil from injuring them,

Lord, help us in our approach unto Thee to withdraw our affections and thoughts from the world, so that, while our knees are bent in prayer, our hearts and understandings may be united in the true and spiritual worship of Thee. May the quickening influences of Thy Spirit kindle within our souls the flames of pure devotion, and may we ever remember that they who worship Thee, must worship Thee in spirit and truth, for such only dost Thou seek to worship Thee,

Our humble petitions are offered unto Thee. O° Lord, this evening, that we may still rest under Thy protection, be guarded through the dangers of the