Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/203

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Prayer for Friday Morning. 189

night, and repose in peace and safety under the shadow of Thy wings.

Pardon for Thy name sake the evils we have this day committed, as well as all our deviations from duty. May our inconsiderate actions, our vain thoughts, our rash and hasty words, and the ebullition of our passionate tempers be pardoned; grant that Thy grace may be abundantly poured out upon us, that these evils and errors may in future be shunned; and conduct us. Heavenly Father, we beseech Thee, to Thy kingdom of peace above,

Our Father, &c.

Friday Morning.

MERCIFUL and eternal Lord God and Saviour, we desire to adore Thee for Thy Divine protection, and to offer our thanksgiving for permitting us again to approach Thee. Keep us this day from evil, and subdue our pride and self-conceit. While in this world, we are too frequently bound by the chain of our own evils and become the slaves of our corrupt propensities, neglecting our duty both to Thee and to our neighbour. Check within us this love of self, and this conformity to the world. May the warning which the prophet gave to the children of Israel, when they were brought into captivity by Babylon, be a warning unto us, lest we also suffer by spiritual captivity from the same power. As we depart from our family altar, we enter into another Babylon, and all her idols of gold and silver are spread before us, and strive by their snares to seduce