Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/204

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us from the worship of the true God. The wealth, the glory, the pride, the pleasure of the world, all entice us to participate in their vain delights, and by their allurements they frequently succeed in withdrawing our souls from Thee.

O Lord God of our salvation, how can we escape these snares, unless prevented by the watchful eye of Thy providence? Unless Thou, Lord, shalt keep us, we labour in vain. Help us, therefore. Lord, we beseech Thee. Suffer not our affections to-be entangled by the allurements of sense or drawn aside from the true allegiance which we owe to Thee, and in all things render us conformable to Thy will.

Our Father, &c.

Friday Evening.

ATHER of eternity, blessed source of life and light, we now approach Thy mercy seat with humility and reverence. We thank Thee for Thy unwearied care of us; Thou hast indeed kept us as the apple of the eye, and by the care Thou hast had for us. Thou instructest us in the duty we should perform to others. Help us, therefore, most blessed Saviour, to minister with willing minds to all who come within ' the sphere of our influence. May Thy Divine commandment, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself," be ever in our remembrance, so that we may feel happy in promoting the comfort, and ministering to the necessities, of all who come within the reach of our ability. If our neighbour be in sickness, may we use all available means to restore him to health; may