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exertions to save us, but He can only save us as our will comes into conformity with His will. When the word of the Lord declares, "He that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out;" it is plain that man has a will to come unto Him, if he will but exercise it.

What, then, is the will of the Lord? This is the will of the Lord, that all men may repent. It is we that are "unequal," not the Lord. It is "the soul that sinneth that shall die."

Therefore, let us turn unto the Lord, and if we repent, He will have mercy upon us, yea, He will abundantly pardon.

November Seventh.


"They shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid."Zeph. iii. 13.

THIS is, indeed, a gracious promise of the Lord, and will most assuredly have its fulfilment even in the literal sense of the words. There is always peace and security attendant upon him whose life is guided by the principles of truth and uprightness. He may be poor, but he has the true riches, and possesses his soul in patience. He may sometimes feel a scarcity of the bread that perishes, but still he has bread to eat which the world knows but little of; and he eats of his little, and lies down in peace and safety and his sleep is sweet and refreshing, and nothing can make him afraid.

But feeding and lying down have yet a higher and more interior signification. The soul of man is, in