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truth, the real man, and can never die. The dissolution of the earthly body is, as it were, the first step in the resurrection, and what we term death is but the medium introducing into life. It is the passing of the man from the natural body in the natural world, to the spiritual body in the spiritual world. Let no man tremble at this truth. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. Has he, in the course of his life, long or short, it matters not which—sown evil? let him be assured that he will reap its bitter fruits. No man expects to reap wheat where he has sown darnel; and no man need expect to reap heavenly joys, if he has sown worldly follies and delights.

The soul, being the real man, requires food; but the food which he will appropriate in a spiritual world, will be, of necessity, spiritual. The meat of the soul is to do the will of the Lord. The bread of life is the love of God incorporated into the affections. The bread of heaven is broken by the Lord, and given to his faithful disciples: they incorporate it into the affections, they grow in goodness, truth, and wisdom; they feed, they lie down. A state of perfect tranquillity and peace is enjoyed by them. They have no fear, no anxiety, no care; they are the remnant of Israel, who are truly happy; they live in the sphere of the Divine love and wisdom. They rest from their labour; iniquity has passed from them, deceit and guile form no part of their character. God is before, their adoring sight; they have no care, no anxiety, no fear—nothing can make them afraid. O, what a glorious state is this! and we may attain to it. Let us, then, cherish all heavenly principles; bring them out into active good and usefulness; labour well and