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unremittingly to promote the happiness of others; and, ever looking to the Lord for help, we shall become associated with the church triumphant in heaven.

November Eighth.


"And there shall be an highway for the remnant of His people."Isa. xi. 16.

THE word "remnant" has a very extensive signification. There are stored up by the Lord in the inmost of man certain heavenly affections and principles, which are as the germs and beginnings of his life. These are brought forth in our states of infancy, and are exhibited in the innocency of childhood, in love to parents, teachers, and friends. These heavenly affections are in Scripture called "remnants," or remains. From these remains regeneration commences, and by them the kingdom of heaven is formed in the soul. Thus the remnant, or the remains, of Israel are significative of all those principles of the celestial life which enkindle every hallowed affection in the soul, and manifest in outward life the fruits of holiness, love and truth, charity and faith, mercy and peace. This application of the term remnant may not at first be distinctly recognised, but the thoughtful and reflecting reader will find numerous confirmations of it in the Holy Word.

We read that a "remnant of all shall be saved:" and of these we may thus speak:—There shall be saved all out of every nation, out of every religious persuasion, in whom the principles or remnants of the