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Praper for. Tuesday Morning. 269

our souls from destruction, didst save us from our sins, and open afresh the gates of salvation to us.

O Thou. Who art at once, and in one person, our Creator. Redeemer, and Sanctifier. God over all, blessed for evermore, permit us to make our deep and heartfelt acknowledgments of Thy goodness, and to offer our humble duty of gratitude and thanksgiving.

Again has the day closed upon us, and again are we able to say. Thy goodness and mercy have followed us this day, as in all the days of our life. As time rapidly passes by us, may we be careful to prepare to enter upon the important duties of eternity. While we have been engaged in our temporal duties, and, by them (Thy blessing having prospered them) have procured the things needful for our bodily subsistence, so that our bread has been given us, our water made sure, our habitation preserved from violence, and we kept in peace and safety—may we with gratitude acknowledge that it is Thou. Lord, which makest us to dwell in safety; Thou hast been our defender, and by Thee have we been upheld.

Our Father. St.

Tuesday Morning.

O LORD our Heavenly Father, at the commencement of this new day of our existence, let us again experience Thy watchful providence around our path, even as Thou hast protected us during the night; let Thy Word which we have read be ever with us, and go before us, that we sin not. Help us to give due attention to our several employments; may sloth-