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fulness be banished, and may we labour not as eye-servants, or men-pleasers, but as the servants of Thee, O Lord Jesus, doing Thy will from our hearts. Help us to preserve cheerful, contented, and grateful spirits: and while we exercise becoming prudence and forethought in our worldly duties and callings, suffer us not to be anxious overmuch, but in all things assist us to place ourselves under the guiding wisdom of Thy divine providence. If prosperity crown our efforts, teach us to be humble and thankful, and as Thou hast freely given us, so may we freely give to others. If adversity overtake us, teach us to be submissive and patient, remembering that nothing can happen unto us but must eventually terminate in our everlasting good. Finally, O Lord, bless this day's duties to the good of our fellow creatures, and of our own souls.

Our Father, &c.

Tuesday Evening.

ALMIGHTY GOD, our Creator, Redeemer, and Regenerator. Thou hast created man in Thine own image after Thy likencss; and though by evil we have effaced much of the original beauty we bore, yet hast Thou so mercifully provided for our restoration, that, by looking to Thee for aid, and following Thee in the path of regeneration, we may again recover that which evil alone has caused us to lose.

Lord, be with us this night, and let the influence of Thy good Spirit so possess our souls, that one desire alone may animate us—the desire to be at peace with Thee, to be pure, just, and upright, as the children of our Father in Heaven.