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To attain to a degree of heavenly goodness, help us to arm ourselves with an invincible resolution of justice, and, in the midst of a wicked and adulterous generation, to be earnest and constant in the endeavour to practise that which is good; by this endeavour, blessed with Thy aid, we shall be able to bear the heaviest burdens with resignation, to resist the sorest temptations, and to come out from them more than conquerors, because purified by their action; to be calm under the storms of evil and passion which at present so infest the world; to rely on Thee, O giorified Saviour, Who art truth and goodness itself; and to attain to the measure of that spiritual stature which brings the soul into close and intimate union with Thyself.

O Lord, help us, we earnestly entreat Thee, to acquire this heavenly frame of mind.

Our Father, &c.

Wednesday Morning.

ALMIGHTY, All-perfect, and All-gracious God, who hast in Thy Word invited all who feel their need to come to Thee, and hast graciously promised to supply their wants by the assurance, "Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, I will do it," hear us, O Lord, and help us, now that we kneel in Thy presence, to keep our thoughts fixed on heaven and heavenly things. In our position of humility, O help us to acquire internal humility, that we may be raised out of the depths of evil, and exalted into that which is good. As the kingdom of heaven cometh not by observation,