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benighted souls. Awaken within us the feeling that there is still consolation in Thy Word, still a Physician there who will not break the bruised reed, but will in mercy truly minister to the wounded spirit, and prove still a friend who sticketh closer than a brother; whose encouraging voice is heard to whisper its words of consolation to the stricken soul: "Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, I am thy God." O, lead us to behold Thee in whatsoever is permitted to assail us. In the gloom of despondency, penetrate the darkness by the light of Thy countenance; in the anguish of suffering, open Thy hand and bestow upon us the leaves of the tree of life; and, under all trials, give us that bread to eat which may sustain us, and teach us to keep in remembrance that Thou, Lord, leadest every one by the way which is best for him, and Thou wilt be our guide even unto death. So lead us, that, however difficult the path may be to tread, its end may result in eternal blessedness.

Our Father, &c.

Friday Morning.

FATHER of Life and Light, we yield Thee our humble and grateful thanks for the renewal of our existence. The glorious orb of day has again risen upon us and animated afresh our bodies: O, may Thy Son of Righteousness arise in our souls, and fill us with love and joy, and impel us with gratitude to worship and adore Thee, our gracious Father, our beneficent God, our tender and compassionate Redeemer. O, may one devout feeling of grateful