Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/290

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adoration animate the souls of all who have by Thee, during the past night, renewed their existence, and arisen to life and usefulness in this, another day.

Lord, impress the minds of this family, who kneel in Thy presence, as well as of all who now surround the family altar, with the true idea of charity and usefulness. Impress all with the conviction that the fulfilment of the duties pertaining to the various stations they occupy, is to accept with becoming obedience and submission the dispensations of Thy providence; for Thou only knowest what is best for us. Are we in prosperity?—it is Thy hand that maketh rich, and as the stewards of Thy bounty, Thou hast chosen us to dispense, with freedom and prudence, that which Thou hast freely given. Hast Thou placed us in a sphere where bodily and daily labour must procure our daily bread?—still may we remember that this labour benefits not only ourselves, but numbers of our fellow creatures. The work of our hands, Thy blessing resting upon it, may afford a shelter from the storm, a covert from the blast, a shadow from the noon-day sun, and a safe asylum through the silent hours of night.

Our Father, &c.

Frvap Evening.

HOLY LORD GOD our Saviour. Who art the

High and Lofty One inhabiting eternity, but

Who still condescerdest to dwell with the poor in spirit, we Thy unworthy, humble, and dependent creatures draw near to Thy throne at the close of another