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What a fearful condition, then, is that of the slanderer, the false witness. O let us listen to the voice of truth, even to the voice of Jesus Christ in the Word of Truth. Let us apply to this word and make it the rule of our lives. It detects all falsehood; confutes all errors. To understand this Divine Book is to be wise indeed; to be ignorant of it, is to be destitute of all wisdom. Its Authoris "without partiality and without hypocrisy;" for in Him is "neither variableness nor shadow of turning."

Let us take the Holy Word for our guide; let us subject our lives to its control; and the peace of God will possess our hearts and minds.

December Twentp-fourth.


"Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is futness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."Psalm xvi. 11.

WE may have observed that we are attracted by some persons, and repelled by others. I once attended a meeting for the promotion of Sunday Schools; and observed a person sitting at the head of the table, I being at the foot; I felt an irresistible desire to come in contact with him. I thought how much I should like to know the person who seemed, by his beaming countenance, possessed of so warm and kind a heart, as to desire the happiness of all. Well, in the course of the evening, he made his way to me, and introduced himself. He said he had felt such a desire to cultivate my acquaintance, that he